Leonard Cohen

2023年10月30日—Onthesurface,“DanceMetotheEndofLove”seemslikealovesong.Butit'sactuallyabouttheNazisplayingclassicalmusicastheymarched ...,DanceMetotheEndofLoveisa1984songbyCanadiansingerLeonardCohen.ItwasfirstperformedbyCohenonhis1984albumVariousP...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Bob Dylan Covers Leonard Cohen's 'Dance Me to the End ...

2023年10月30日 — On the surface, “Dance Me to the End of Love” seems like a love song. But it's actually about the Nazis playing classical music as they marched ...

Dance Me to the End of Love

Dance Me to the End of Love is a 1984 song by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen. It was first performed by Cohen on his 1984 album Various Positions.

Leonard Cohen

Dance Me to the End of Love Lyrics: Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin / Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in / Lift me like an ...


2016年12月14日 — 他的經紀人說:「他的死來得突然,非常意外,但是他走得很安詳。」是的,他終究是在睡夢中舒舒服服上路的,多少滿足了他的願望。 這幾天,〈Dance Me to ...


2023年10月30日—Onthesurface,“DanceMetotheEndofLove”seemslikealovesong.Butit'sactuallyabouttheNazisplayingclassicalmusicastheymarched ...,DanceMetotheEndofLoveisa1984songbyCanadiansingerLeonardCohen.ItwasfirstperformedbyCohenonhis1984albumVariousPositions.,DanceMetotheEndofLoveLyrics:Dancemetoyourbeautywithaburningviolin/Dancemethroughthepanic'tilI'mgatheredsafelyin/Liftmelikean ...,,2016年12月...